@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
use t::Config ;
plan tests = > 1 7 9;
plan tests = > 1 95 ;
@ -2933,3 +2933,259 @@ install: all
rm - rf build
=== TEST 47 : relative path as the - - with - zlib option ' s value
- - - cmd: . /configure --with-zlib=../som e /module/ - - dry - run
- - - out
platform: linux ( linux )
cp - rp bundle / build
cd build
cd lua - 5.1 .5
gmake linux
gmake install INSTALL_TOP = $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-root/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
export LUA_LIB = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/lib'
export LUA_INC = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/include'
cd ..
cd nginx - 1.2 .6
. /configure --prefix=/ usr /local/o penresty / nginx \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_devel_kit - 0.2 .17 \
- - add - module = .. / echo - nginx - module - 0.41 \
- - add - module = .. / xss - nginx - module - 0.03 rc9 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_coolkit - 0.2 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / set - misc - nginx - module - 0.22 rc8 \
- - add - module = .. / form - input - nginx - module - 0.07 rc5 \
- - add - module = .. / encrypted - session - nginx - module - 0.02 \
- - add - module = .. / srcache - nginx - module - 0.17 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_lua - 0.7 .12 \
- - add - module = .. / headers - more - nginx - module - 0.19 \
- - add - module = .. / array - var - nginx - module - 0.03 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / memc - nginx - module - 0.13 rc3 \
- - add - module = .. / redis2 - nginx - module - 0.09 \
- - add - module = .. / redis - nginx - module - 0.3 .6 \
- - add - module = .. / auth - request - nginx - module - 0.2 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - json - nginx - module - 0.12 rc10 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - csv - nginx - module - 0.05 rc2 \
- - with - zlib = $ OPENRESTY_DIR /../som e / module - - with - http_ssl_module
cd .. / ..
Type the following commands to build and install:
gmake install
- - - makefile
. PHONY: all install clean
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / lua - 5.1 .5 && $ ( MAKE ) linux
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE )
install: all
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-5.1.5 && $(MAKE) install INSTALL_TOP=$(DESTDIR)/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-dns-0.09 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-memcached-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-redis-0.15 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-mysql-0.12 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-string-0.08 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-upload-0.06 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE ) install DESTDIR = $ ( DESTDIR )
rm - rf build
=== TEST 47 : relative path as the - - with - md5 option ' s value
- - - cmd: . /configure --with-md5=../som e /module/ - - dry - run
- - - out
platform: linux ( linux )
cp - rp bundle / build
cd build
cd lua - 5.1 .5
gmake linux
gmake install INSTALL_TOP = $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-root/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
export LUA_LIB = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/lib'
export LUA_INC = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/include'
cd ..
cd nginx - 1.2 .6
. /configure --prefix=/ usr /local/o penresty / nginx \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_devel_kit - 0.2 .17 \
- - add - module = .. / echo - nginx - module - 0.41 \
- - add - module = .. / xss - nginx - module - 0.03 rc9 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_coolkit - 0.2 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / set - misc - nginx - module - 0.22 rc8 \
- - add - module = .. / form - input - nginx - module - 0.07 rc5 \
- - add - module = .. / encrypted - session - nginx - module - 0.02 \
- - add - module = .. / srcache - nginx - module - 0.17 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_lua - 0.7 .12 \
- - add - module = .. / headers - more - nginx - module - 0.19 \
- - add - module = .. / array - var - nginx - module - 0.03 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / memc - nginx - module - 0.13 rc3 \
- - add - module = .. / redis2 - nginx - module - 0.09 \
- - add - module = .. / redis - nginx - module - 0.3 .6 \
- - add - module = .. / auth - request - nginx - module - 0.2 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - json - nginx - module - 0.12 rc10 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - csv - nginx - module - 0.05 rc2 \
- - with - md5 = $ OPENRESTY_DIR /../som e / module - - with - http_ssl_module
cd .. / ..
Type the following commands to build and install:
gmake install
- - - makefile
. PHONY: all install clean
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / lua - 5.1 .5 && $ ( MAKE ) linux
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE )
install: all
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-5.1.5 && $(MAKE) install INSTALL_TOP=$(DESTDIR)/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-dns-0.09 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-memcached-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-redis-0.15 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-mysql-0.12 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-string-0.08 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-upload-0.06 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE ) install DESTDIR = $ ( DESTDIR )
rm - rf build
=== TEST 47 : relative path as the - - with - sha1 option ' s value
- - - cmd: . /configure --with-sha1=../som e /module/ - - dry - run
- - - out
platform: linux ( linux )
cp - rp bundle / build
cd build
cd lua - 5.1 .5
gmake linux
gmake install INSTALL_TOP = $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-root/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
export LUA_LIB = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/lib'
export LUA_INC = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/include'
cd ..
cd nginx - 1.2 .6
. /configure --prefix=/ usr /local/o penresty / nginx \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_devel_kit - 0.2 .17 \
- - add - module = .. / echo - nginx - module - 0.41 \
- - add - module = .. / xss - nginx - module - 0.03 rc9 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_coolkit - 0.2 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / set - misc - nginx - module - 0.22 rc8 \
- - add - module = .. / form - input - nginx - module - 0.07 rc5 \
- - add - module = .. / encrypted - session - nginx - module - 0.02 \
- - add - module = .. / srcache - nginx - module - 0.17 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_lua - 0.7 .12 \
- - add - module = .. / headers - more - nginx - module - 0.19 \
- - add - module = .. / array - var - nginx - module - 0.03 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / memc - nginx - module - 0.13 rc3 \
- - add - module = .. / redis2 - nginx - module - 0.09 \
- - add - module = .. / redis - nginx - module - 0.3 .6 \
- - add - module = .. / auth - request - nginx - module - 0.2 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - json - nginx - module - 0.12 rc10 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - csv - nginx - module - 0.05 rc2 \
- - with - sha1 = $ OPENRESTY_DIR /../som e / module - - with - http_ssl_module
cd .. / ..
Type the following commands to build and install:
gmake install
- - - makefile
. PHONY: all install clean
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / lua - 5.1 .5 && $ ( MAKE ) linux
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE )
install: all
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-5.1.5 && $(MAKE) install INSTALL_TOP=$(DESTDIR)/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-dns-0.09 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-memcached-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-redis-0.15 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-mysql-0.12 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-string-0.08 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-upload-0.06 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE ) install DESTDIR = $ ( DESTDIR )
rm - rf build
=== TEST 47 : relative path as the - - with - libatomic option ' s value
- - - cmd: . /configure --with-libatomic=../som e /module/ - - dry - run
- - - out
platform: linux ( linux )
cp - rp bundle / build
cd build
cd lua - 5.1 .5
gmake linux
gmake install INSTALL_TOP = $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-root/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
export LUA_LIB = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/lib'
export LUA_INC = '$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/lua-root/usr/local/openresty/lua/include'
cd ..
cd nginx - 1.2 .6
. /configure --prefix=/ usr /local/o penresty / nginx \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_devel_kit - 0.2 .17 \
- - add - module = .. / echo - nginx - module - 0.41 \
- - add - module = .. / xss - nginx - module - 0.03 rc9 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_coolkit - 0.2 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / set - misc - nginx - module - 0.22 rc8 \
- - add - module = .. / form - input - nginx - module - 0.07 rc5 \
- - add - module = .. / encrypted - session - nginx - module - 0.02 \
- - add - module = .. / srcache - nginx - module - 0.17 \
- - add - module = .. / ngx_lua - 0.7 .12 \
- - add - module = .. / headers - more - nginx - module - 0.19 \
- - add - module = .. / array - var - nginx - module - 0.03 rc1 \
- - add - module = .. / memc - nginx - module - 0.13 rc3 \
- - add - module = .. / redis2 - nginx - module - 0.09 \
- - add - module = .. / redis - nginx - module - 0.3 .6 \
- - add - module = .. / auth - request - nginx - module - 0.2 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - json - nginx - module - 0.12 rc10 \
- - add - module = .. / rds - csv - nginx - module - 0.05 rc2 \
- - with - libatomic = $ OPENRESTY_DIR /../som e / module - - with - http_ssl_module
cd .. / ..
Type the following commands to build and install:
gmake install
- - - makefile
. PHONY: all install clean
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / lua - 5.1 .5 && $ ( MAKE ) linux
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE )
install: all
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-5.1.5 && $(MAKE) install INSTALL_TOP=$(DESTDIR)/ usr /local/o penresty / lua
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-cjson-1.0.3 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-redis-parser-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-rds-parser-0.05 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/ lua - root /usr/ local /openresty/ lua /include LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty / lualib CC = gcc
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-dns-0.09 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-memcached-0.10 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-redis-0.15 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-mysql-0.12 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-string-0.08 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR /lua-resty-upload-0.06 && $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) LUA_LIB_DIR=/ usr /local/o penresty /lualib INSTALL=$OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR/i nstall
cd $ OPENRESTY_BUILD_DIR / nginx - 1.2 .6 && $ ( MAKE ) install DESTDIR = $ ( DESTDIR )
rm - rf build