dist : bionic
os : linux
language : c
compiler :
- gcc
addons :
apt :
packages :
- axel
- dos2unix
- cpanminus
- libgd - dev
_linux - s390x : & linux - s390x
os : linux
arch : s390x
dist : bionic
compiler : gcc
addons :
apt :
update : true
packages :
- axel
- dos2unix
- cpanminus
- libgd - dev
- libpcre3
- libpcre3 - dev
- mercurial
- libpq - dev
install :
- sudo cpanm - - notest Test : : Nginx IPC : : Run3 > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- if [ ! - f download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz ] ; then wget - P download - cache https : //www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz || wget -P download-cache https://www.openssl.org/source/old/${OPENSSL_VER//[a-z]/}/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz; fi
- tar zxf download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz
- cd openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER /
- patch - p1 < . . / patches / openssl - $ OPENSSL_PATCH_VER - sess_set_get_cb_yield . patch
- . / config no - threads shared enable - ssl3 enable - ssl3 - method - g - - prefix = $ OPENSSL_PREFIX - DPURIFY > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make PATH = $ PATH install_sw > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- sudo ln - s / usr / bin / make / usr / bin / gmake
script :
- util / mirror - tarballs > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd " openresty-$(./util/ver) "
- . / configure - - prefix = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX - - with - cc - opt = " -I$PCRE_INC -I$OPENSSL_INC " - - with - ld - opt = " -L$PCRE_LIB -L$OPENSSL_LIB -Wl,-rpath,$PCRE_LIB:$OPENSSL_LIB " - - with - pcre - jit - - with - http_ssl_module - - with - debug - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make install > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- export PATH = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / bin : $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / nginx / sbin : $ PATH
- nginx - V
- ldd ` which nginx ` | grep - E ' luajit | ssl | pcre '
- prove - I . - r t /
_linux - ppc64le : & linux - ppc64le
os : linux
arch : ppc64le
dist : bionic
compiler : gcc
addons :
apt :
update : true
packages :
- axel
- dos2unix
- cpanminus
- libgd - dev
- libpcre3
- libpcre3 - dev
- mercurial
- libpq - dev
install :
- sudo cpanm - - notest Test : : Nginx IPC : : Run3 > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- if [ ! - f download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz ] ; then wget - P download - cache https : //www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz || wget -P download-cache https://www.openssl.org/source/old/${OPENSSL_VER//[a-z]/}/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz; fi
- tar zxf download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz
- cd openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER /
- patch - p1 < . . / patches / openssl - $ OPENSSL_PATCH_VER - sess_set_get_cb_yield . patch
- . / config no - threads shared enable - ssl3 enable - ssl3 - method - g - - prefix = $ OPENSSL_PREFIX - DPURIFY > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make PATH = $ PATH install_sw > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- sudo ln - s / usr / bin / make / usr / bin / gmake
script :
- util / mirror - tarballs > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd " openresty-$(./util/ver) "
- . / configure - - prefix = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX - - with - cc - opt = " -I$PCRE_INC -I$OPENSSL_INC " - - with - ld - opt = " -L$PCRE_LIB -L$OPENSSL_LIB -Wl,-rpath,$PCRE_LIB:$OPENSSL_LIB " - - with - pcre - jit - - with - http_ssl_module - - with - debug - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make install > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- export PATH = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / bin : $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / nginx / sbin : $ PATH
- nginx - V
- ldd ` which nginx ` | grep - E ' luajit | ssl | pcre '
cache :
directories :
- download - cache
env :
global :
- JOBS = 3
- PCRE_VER = 8.44
- PCRE_PREFIX = / opt / pcre
- PCRE_INC = $ PCRE_PREFIX / include
- OPENSSL_PREFIX = / opt / ssl
- OPENRESTY_PREFIX = / opt / openresty
jobs :
- OPENSSL_VER = 1.1 .0 l OPENSSL_PATCH_VER = 1.1 .0 d
- OPENSSL_VER = 1.1 .1 k OPENSSL_PATCH_VER = 1.1 .1f
jobs :
include :
- < < : * linux - s390x
env : OPENSSL_VER = 1.1 .0 l OPENSSL_PATCH_VER = 1.1 .0 d
- < < : * linux - s390x
env : OPENSSL_VER = 1.1 .1 l OPENSSL_PATCH_VER = 1.1 .1f
- < < : * linux - ppc64le
env : OPENSSL_VER = 1.1 .1 l OPENSSL_PATCH_VER = 1.1 .1f
install :
- sudo cpanm - - notest Test : : Nginx IPC : : Run3 > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- if [ ! - f download - cache / pcre - $ PCRE_VER . tar . gz ] ; then wget - P download - cache https : //downloads.sourceforge.net/project/pcre/pcre/${PCRE_VER}/pcre-${PCRE_VER}.tar.gz; fi
- if [ ! - f download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz ] ; then wget - P download - cache https : //www.openssl.org/source/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz || wget -P download-cache https://www.openssl.org/source/old/${OPENSSL_VER//[a-z]/}/openssl-$OPENSSL_VER.tar.gz; fi
- tar zxf download - cache / pcre - $ PCRE_VER . tar . gz
- cd pcre - $ PCRE_VER /
- . / configure - - prefix = $ PCRE_PREFIX - - enable - jit - - enable - utf - - enable - unicode - properties > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo PATH = $ PATH make install > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- tar zxf download - cache / openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER . tar . gz
- cd openssl - $ OPENSSL_VER /
- patch - p1 < . . / patches / openssl - $ OPENSSL_PATCH_VER - sess_set_get_cb_yield . patch
- . / config no - threads shared enable - ssl3 enable - ssl3 - method - g - - prefix = $ OPENSSL_PREFIX - DPURIFY > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make PATH = $ PATH install_sw > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- sudo ln - s / usr / bin / make / usr / bin / gmake
script :
- util / mirror - tarballs > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd " openresty-$(./util/ver) "
- . / configure - - prefix = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX - - with - cc - opt = " -I$PCRE_INC -I$OPENSSL_INC " - - with - ld - opt = " -L$PCRE_LIB -L$OPENSSL_LIB -Wl,-rpath,$PCRE_LIB:$OPENSSL_LIB " - - with - pcre - jit - - with - http_ssl_module - - with - debug - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- make - j $ JOBS > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- sudo make install > build . log 2 > & 1 | | ( cat build . log & & exit 1 )
- cd . .
- export PATH = $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / bin : $ OPENRESTY_PREFIX / nginx / sbin : $ PATH
- nginx - V
- ldd ` which nginx ` | grep - E ' luajit | ssl | pcre '
- prove - I . - r t /